Monday, February 9, 2009

Heart Shaped Cinnamon Rolls

It is so easy to make heart shaped cinnamon rolls. All you have to do is roll the dough from two sides towards the middle instead of rolling it all from one side. Like the picture below.

Next just slice the dough into rolls using dental floss or string as you would for regular cinnamon rolls. Then pinch the bottom of the dough to shape it into a heart.

I just baked four of these rolls and froze the rest to bake for Valentine's Day. To freeze the dough just place the cinnamon rolls (Right after you slice them, they will rise when you thaw them) on a cookie sheet and cover with plastic wrap until the dough is frozen. Then put the frozen cinnamon rolls in freezer bags until ready to bake. Take the frozen Cinnamon rolls out of the freezer the night before and let them thaw in a greased baking pan covered with plastic wrap in the fridge over night. In the morning take them out and let them sit at room temp. until about double in size. (1-2 hours) Then bake them according to the recipe. You can also make them the night before and let them rise in the fridge over night. Click HERE for my favorite Cinnamon roll recipe.