I started out our storytime by reading my kids
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. Then I let them decorate cupcakes with frostings and toppings. For the toppings I had sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and gumdrops. I tried to find mini M&M's but they were sold out at the grocery store by my house. The kids both had fun decorating the cupcakes. I turned around for a minute and when I looked back I noticed that my daughter had spooned more toppings onto the plate then the cupcake. Now we have a bag of mixed toppings. :)

I found some free printables for this story on www.harpercollinschildrens.com. Click
HERE for the picture above. I set out markers, glittery pom poms, sequins, sprinkles, and glue for my kids to decorate the cupcakes. They both enjoyed this activity as well.

This is one our finished cupcakes. I had to use hot glue to get the pom poms to stick to the paper. I thought these turned out cute!

I printed off the activity sheets that went with this story. Then I printed a quick cover sheet in paint shop pro to create these little activity books. Click
HERE for the printable activity sheets from Harper Collins. I have to admit I even had fun doing this activity.